Our worlds resources are limited, and the amount left for us people to use to maintain our daily lives and habits gets smaller from day to day.
Recycling and the general reusage of materials are two of the main strategies to limit the need of using limited resources.
In this context, VoiceArchive got the chance to participate in a project called Skills4Reuse. Skills4Reuse has been created by Nordic Sustainable Construction together with our partner Norion Consult and the Danish Knowledge center for craftsmanship and sustainability and encompasses a set of teaching programs that address reuse and recycling of building materials in the Nordic countries.
Learn more about the initiative in the video below:
VoiceArchives task was to find voice talents for five different languages, namely Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, and Icelandic who then were supposed to voice intro videos to explain what Skills4Reuse is about and would like to achieve.
As the scope of the project was rather complex, involving among others the need for time coded recording and script translation into the respective target language, we decided to start out with a counselling call to discuss a best practice workflow with our contact persons at Norion Consult in order to guarantee a flawless and fast execution.
Once the plan was set and approved, we set the script translations as well as a speaker casting into motion to find the right voices per language for this specific project. Here, you can get an even better idea of how this certain step, a so-called voice audition, works at VoiceArchive.
After the client had chosen which voice talents to move forward with and the script translation had been approved, it was up to our dedicated project manager to assign, prepare, and brief the selected voices. A rather difficult task due to the high number of involved voice talents and the sheer complexity of the project.
Eventually, we ended up with 14 recordings in five different languages to work with.
The last and final step involved our postproduction department that was responsible for both optimizing the sound quality of all recordings as well as creating a so-called overlay voiceover, a certain form of mixing an existing video with a voiceover in which the existing audio lane of the video is turned down in volume and the new voiceover is put on top of it. In that way, you will still be able to listen to the original voiceover in the background while at the same time can have focus on the new voiceover that had been “laid over”. If you are interested in learning more about our postproduction service, just follow this link. To get more information about an overlay voiceover, click here.
Have a look at the video below to hear and see how an overlay voiceover works in practice:
Overlay Voiceover
VoiceArchive voice talents who voiced for this production:
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If you´d would like to learn more about the Skills4Reuse project and it´s purpose in general, please have a look at tthe video below: