Mandarin Chinese Voice Over for Corporate Video
Founded in Johannesburg, South Africa, in April of 2000, Amrod has grown into one of the leading, to-the-trade, promotional material suppliers in Africa.
With the belief that brands are powerful and instantly recognizable, Amrod has invested in growing their business model with the aims of sharing their solutions globally.
With the intention to express their values and capabilities, Amrod had created a corporate video in English that they wanted to be translated into Mandarin Chinese.
By providing us with a clear request for script translation and professional voice over services, we were able to align the voice-over quickly and easily to the English video with an authentic Chinese voice narration. In fact, our work was so precise that no edits or re-takes were necessary and Amrod was immediately satisfied with the end result.
By supplying a professional Chinese voice over that adds an element of trust, expertise, and authority, the Amrod corporate video makes you believe in their business.
Not only is their commitment to global expansion made more authentic by the voice-over video, but their polished approach highlights their reliability as a partner.

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Our team of experts are ready to help you
- 20 years of experience
- Help cast the perfect voice
- Make sure your project is a success
- Call us at +1 (929) 923 77 16
Do you need assistance with your next campaign?
Then please reach out. We’ll be happy to help.

Anna Sticken
Key Account Manager